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ADIL - Stories of the Prophets

  • An-Nahdhah Mosque 9A Bishan Street 14 Singapore, , 579786 Singapore (map)

3 Nov - 1 Dec 2021 (5 sessions)

Among the various stories of the prophets mentioned in the Quran, there are those who showed extraordinary amount of patience and perseverance while facing God’s trials and tribulation in life. These prophets are called the Ulul Azmi or Arch-Prophets. They are prophet Nuh, Ibrahim, Musa, Isa & Muhammad.

Here is your chance to study the different trials faced by them, how they overcome the challenges, and how we can learn to apply its lesson in our daily lives living in the context Singapore with Ustaz Khairi Nazron in our next ADIL programme: Stories of the Prophet (Lessons From The Life Of The Ulul Azmi) every Wednesday, 8-10pm starting 3 November 2021!"

18 October

Sambutan Maulidurrasul SAW

6 November

Talkshow Edisi Rabiulawal: Maulidurrasul